Application Development#
This page captures requirements and recommendations for developers looking to create, package and distribute applications targeting NPU-enabled AMD processors.
VitisAI EP / NPU Driver Compatibility#
The VitisAI EP requires a compatible version of the NPU drivers. For each version of the VitisAI EP, compatible drivers are bounded by a minimum version and a maximum release date. NPU drivers are backward compatible with VitisAI EP released up to 3 years before. The maximum driver release date is therefore set to 3 years after the release date of the corresponding VitisAI EP.
The table below summarizes the driver requirements for the different versions of the VitisAI EP.
VitisAI EP version |
Minimum NPU Driver version |
Maximum NPU Driver release date |
1.4 | |
March 25th, 2028 |
1.3.1 | |
January 17th, 2028 |
1.3 | |
November 26th, 2027 |
1.2 | |
July 30th, 2027 |
The application must check that NPU drivers compatible with the version of the Vitis AI EP being used are installed.
APU Types#
The Ryzen AI Software supports different types of NPU-enabled APUs. These APU types are referred to as PHX, HPT, STX and KRK.
To programmatically determine the type of the local APU, it is possible to enumerate the PCI devices and check for an instance with a matching Hardware ID.
Vendor |
Device |
Revision |
APU Type |
0x1022 |
0x1502 |
0x00 |
PHX or HPT |
0x1022 |
0x17F0 |
0x00 |
0x1022 |
0x17F0 |
0x10 |
0x1022 |
0x17F0 |
0x11 |
0x1022 |
0x17F0 |
0x20 |
The application must check that it is running on an AMD processor with an NPU, and that the NPU type is supported by the version of the Vitis AI EP being used.
Application Development Requirements#
ONNX-RT Session#
The application should only use the Vitis AI Execution Provider if the following conditions are met:
The application is running on an AMD processor with a NPU type supported by the version of the Vitis AI EP being used. See list above in this page.
NPU drivers compatible with the version of the Vitis AI EP being used are installed. See compatibility table above in this page.
📝 NOTE: Sample C++ code implementing the compatibility checks to be performed before using the VitisAI EP is provided here: amd/RyzenAI-SW
VitisAI EP Provider Options#
For INT8 models, the application should detect which type of APU is present (PHX/HPT/STX/KRK) and set the xclbin
provider option accordingly. Refer to the section about compilation of INT8 models for details about this.
For BF16 models, the application should set the config_file
provider option to use the same file as the one which was used to precompile the BF16 model. Refer to the section about compilation of BF16 models for details about this.
Cache Management#
Cache directories generated by the Vitis AI Execution Provider should not be reused across different versions of the Vitis AI EP or across different version of the NPU drivers.
The application should check the version of the Vitis AI EP and of the NPU drivers. If the application detects a version change, it should delete the cache, or create a new cache directory with a different name.
Pre-Compiled Models#
The deployment version of the VitisAI Execution Provider (EP) does not support the on-the-fly compilation of BF16 models. Applications utilizing BF16 models must include pre-compiled versions of these models. The VitisAI EP can then load the pre-compiled models and deploy them efficiently on the NPU.
Although including pre-compiled versions of INT8 models is not mandatory, it is beneficial as it reduces session creation time and enhances the end-user experience.
Application Packaging Requirements#
A C++ application built on the Ryzen AI ONNX Runtime requires the following components to be included in its distribution package:
For INT8 models:
DLLs from the
folderNPU Binary files (.xclbin) from the
folderRecommended but not mandatory: pre-compiled models in the form of Vitis AI EP cache folders or Onnx Runtime EP context models
For BF16 models:
DLLs from the
folderPre-compiled models in the form of Vitis AI EP cache folders
For LLMs:
For Hybrid models, DLLs from the
folderFor NPU-only models, DLLs from the