OnnxRuntime GenAI (OGA) Flow#

Ryzen AI Software supports deploying LLMs on Ryzen AI PCs using the native ONNX Runtime Generate (OGA) C++ or Python API. The OGA API is the lowest-level API available for building LLM applications on a Ryzen AI PC. This documentation covers the Hybrid execution mode for LLMs, which utilizes both the NPU and GPU

Note: Refer to OGA NPU Execution Mode for NPU only execution mode.

Supported Configurations#

The Ryzen AI OGA flow supports Strix and Krackan Point processors. Phoenix (PHX) and Hawk (HPT) processors are not supported.


Pre-optimized Models#

AMD provides a set of pre-optimized LLMs ready to be deployed with Ryzen AI Software and the supporting runtime for hybrid execution. These models can be found on Hugging Face:

The steps for deploying the pre-optimized models using Python or C++ are described in the following sections.

Hybrid Execution of OGA Models#


Activate the Ryzen AI 1.4 Conda environment:

conda activate ryzen-ai-1.4.0

Copy the required files in a local folder to run the LLMs from:

mkdir hybrid_run
cd hybrid_run
xcopy "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\hybrid-llm\onnxruntime_genai\benchmark" . /e /i
xcopy "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\hybrid-llm\examples\amd_genai_prompt.txt" .
xcopy "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\deployment\hybrid-llm" . /s /y
xcopy "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\deployment\voe\onnxruntime.dll" .
xcopy "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\deployment\voe\DirectML.dll" .

Download Models from HuggingFace#

Download the desired models from the list of pre-optimized models on Hugging Face:

# Make sure you have git-lfs installed (https://git-lfs.com)
git lfs install
git clone <link to hf model>

For example, for Llama-2-7b-chat:

git lfs install
git clone https://huggingface.co/amd/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-awq-g128-int4-asym-fp16-onnx-hybrid

Enabling Performance Mode (Optional)#

To run the LLMs in the best performance mode, follow these steps:

  • Go to WindowsSettingsSystemPower and set the power mode to Best Performance.

  • Execute the following commands in the terminal:

cd C:\Windows\System32\AMD
xrt-smi configure --pmode performance

Sample C++ Program#

The model_benchmark.exe test application provides a simple mechanism for running and evaluating Hybrid OGA models using the native OGA C++ APIs. The source code for this application can be used a reference implementation for how to integrate LLMs using the native OGA C++ APIs.

The model_benchmark.exe test application can be used as follows:

# To see available options and default settings
.\model_benchmark.exe -h

# To run with default settings
.\model_benchmark.exe -i $path_to_model_dir  -f $prompt_file -l $list_of_prompt_lengths

# To show more informational output
.\model_benchmark.exe -i $path_to_model_dir  -f $prompt_file --verbose

# To run with given number of generated tokens
.\model_benchmark.exe -i $path_to_model_dir  -f $prompt_file -l $list_of_prompt_lengths -g $num_tokens

# To run with given number of warmup iterations
.\model_benchmark.exe -i $path_to_model_dir  -f $prompt_file -l $list_of_prompt_lengths -w $num_warmup

# To run with given number of iterations
.\model_benchmark.exe -i $path_to_model_dir  -f $prompt_file -l $list_of_prompt_lengths -r $num_iterations

For example, for Llama-2-7b-chat:

.\model_benchmark.exe -i Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-awq-g128-int4-asym-fp16-onnx-hybrid -f amd_genai_prompt.txt -l "1024" --verbose

NOTE: The C++ source code for the model_benchmark.exe executable can be found in the %RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\hybrid-llm\examples\c folder. This source code can be modified and recompiled if necessary using the commands below.

xcopy /E /I "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\hybrid-llm\examples\c"  .\sources
cd sources
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -S . -B build
cmake --build build --config Release

Sample Python Scripts#

To run LLMs other than ChatGLM, use the following command:

python "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\hybrid-llm\examples\python\llama3\run_model.py" --model_dir <model folder>

To run ChatGLM, use the following command:

pip install transformers==4.44.0
python "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\hybrid-llm\examples\python\chatglm\model-generate-chatglm3.py" --model <model folder>

For example, for Llama-2-7b-chat:

python "%RYZEN_AI_INSTALLATION_PATH%\hybrid-llm\examples\python\llama3\run_model.py" --model_dir Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-awq-g128-int4-asym-fp16-onnx-hybrid

Using Fine-Tuned Models#

It is also possible to run fine-tuned versions of the pre-optimized OGA models.

To do this, the fine-tuned models must first be prepared for execution with the OGA Hybrid flow. For instructions on how to do this, refer to the page about Preparing OGA Models.

Once a fine-tuned model has been prepared for Hybrid execution, it can be deployed by following the steps described above in this page.