Release Notes#
Supported Configurations#
Version 1.3 of the Ryzen AI Software supports AMD processors codenamed Phoenix, Hawk Point, Strix, Strix Halo and Krackan Point. These processors can be found in the following Ryzen series:
Ryzen 200 Series
Ryzen 7000 Series, Ryzen PRO 7000 Series
Ryzen 8000 Series, Ryzen PRO 8000 Series
Ryzen AI 300 Series, Ryzen AI PRO Series, Ryzen AI Max 300 Series
For a complete list of supported devices, refer to the processor specifications page (look for the “AMD Ryzen AI” column towards the right side of the table, and select “Available” from the pull-down menu).
The rest of this document will refer to Phoenix as PHX, Hawk Point as HPT, Strix and Strix Halo as STX, and Krackan Point as KRK.
Model Compatibility Table#
The following table lists which types of models are supported on what hardware platforms.
Model Type |
✅ |
✅ |
CNN Floating-Point |
✅ |
✅ |
LLM (PyTorch) |
✅ |
✅ |
Version 1.3#
New Features:
Initial release of the Quark quantizer
Support for mixed precision data types
Compatibility with Copilot+ applications
Improved support for LLMs using OGA (Early Access)
New EoU Tools:
CNN profiling tool for VAI-ML flow
Idle detection and suspension of contexts
Rebalance feature for AIE hardware resource optimization
NPU and Compiler:
New Op Support:
QResize Bilinear
LUT Q-Power
A16 Q-Pad
Q-Reduce-Mean along H/W dimension
A16 Q-Global-AvgPool
A16 Padding with non-zero values
A16 Q-Sqrt
Support for XINT8/XINT16 MatMul and A16W16/A8W8 Q-MatMul
Performance Improvements:
Q-Conv, Q-Pool, Q-Add, Q-Mul, Q-InstanceNorm
Enhanced QDQ support for a range of operations
Enhanced the tiling algorithm
Improved graph-level optimization with extra transpose removal
Enhanced AT/MT fusion
Optimized memory usage and compile time
Improved compilation messages
Quark for PyTorch:
Model Support:
Examples of LLM PTQ, such as Llama3.2 and Llama3.2-Vision models
Example of YOLO-NAS detection model PTQ/QAT
Example of SDXL v1.0 with weight INT8 activation INT8
PyTorch Quantizer Enhancements:
Partial model quantization by user configuration under FX mode
Quantization of ConvTranspose2d in Eager Mode and FX mode
Advanced Quantization Algorithms with auto-generated configurations
Optimized Configuration with DataTypeSpec for ease of use
Accelerated in-place replacement under Eager Mode
Loading configuration from file of algorithms and pre-optimizations
Quark for ONNX:
New Features:
Compatibility with ONNX Runtime version 1.18, 1.19
Support for int4, uint4, Microscaling data types
Quantization for arbitrary specified operators
Quantization type alignment of element-wise operators for mixed precision
ONNX graph cleaning
Int32 bias quantization
ONNX Quantizer Enhancements:
Fast fine-tuning support for the MatMul operator, BFP data type, and GPU acceleration
Improved ONNX quantization of LLM models
Optimized quantization of FP16 models
Custom operator compilation process
Default parameters for auto mixed precision
Optimized Ryzen AI workflow by aligning with hardware constraints of the NPU
ONNX Runtime EP:
Support for ONNX Runtime EP shared libraries
Python dependency removal
Memory optimization during the compile phase
Pattern API enhancement with multiple outputs and commutable arguments support
Known Issues:
Extended compile time for some models with BF16/BFP16 data types
LLM models with 4K sequence length may revert to CPU execution
Accuracy drop in some Transformer models using BF16/BFP16 data types, requiring Quark intervention
Version 1.2#
New features:
Support added for Strix Point NPUs
Support added for integrated GPU
Smart installer for Ryzen AI 1.2
NPU DPM based on power slider
New model support:
LLM flow support for multiple models in both PyTorch and ONNX flow (optimized model support will be released asynchronously)
SDXL-T with limited performance optimization
New EoU tools:
AI Analyzer : Analysis and visualization of model compilation and inference profiling
Platform/NPU inspection and management tool (xrt-smi)
New Demos:
NPU-GPU multi-model pipeline application demo
NPU and Compiler
New device support: Strix Nx4 and 4x4 Overlay
New Op support:
Floating scale quantization operators (INT8, INT16)
Support new rounding mode (Round to even)
Performance Improvement:
Reduced the model compilation time
Improved instruction loading
Improved synchronization in large overlay
Enhanced strided_slice performance
Enhanced convolution MT fusion
Enhanced convolution AT fusion
Enhanced data movement op performance
ONNX Quantizer updates
Improved usability with various features and tools, including weights-only quantization, graph optimization, dynamic shape fixing, and format transformations.
Improved the accuracy of quantized models through automatic mixed precision and enhanced AdaRound and AdaQuant techniques.
Enhanced support for the BFP data type, including more attributes and shape inference capability.
Optimized the NPU workflow by aligning with the hardware constraints of the NPU.
Supported compilation for Windows and Linux.
Fixed the problem where per-channel quantization is not compatible with onnxruntime 1.17.
Fixed the bug of CLE when conv with groups.
Fixed the bug of bias correction.
Pytorch Quantizer updates
Tiny value quantization protection.
Higher onnx version support in quantized model exporting.
Relu6 hardware constrains support.
Support of mean operation with keepdim=True.
Resolved issues:
NPU SW stack will fail to initialize when the system is out of memory. This could impact camera functionality when Microsoft Effect Pack is enabled.
If Microsoft Effects Pack is overloaded with other 4+ applications that use NPU to do inference, then camera functionality can be impacted. Can be fixed with a reboot. This will be fixed in the next release.
Version 1.1#
New model support:
Llama 2 7B with w4abf16 (3-bit and 4-bit) quantization (Beta)
Whisper base (EA access)
New EoU tools:
CNN Benchmarking tool on RyzenAI-SW Repo
Platform/NPU inspection and management tool
ONNX Quantizer:
Improved usability with various features and tools, including diverse parameter configurations, graph optimization, shape fixing, and format transformations.
Improved quantization accuracy through the implementation of experimental algorithmic improvements, including AdaRound and AdaQuant.
Optimized the NPU workflow by distinguishing between different targets and aligning with the hardware constraints of the NPU.
Introduced new utilities for model conversion.
PyTorch Quantizer:
Mixed data type quantization enhancement and bug fix.
Corner bug fixes for add, sub, and conv1d operations.
Tool for converting the S8S8 model to the U8S8 model.
Tool for converting the customized Q/DQ to onnxruntime contributed Q/DQ with the “microsoft” domain.
Tool for fixing a dynamic shapes model to fixed shape model.
Bug fixes
Fix for incorrect logging when simulating the LeakyRelu alpha value.
Fix for useless initializers not being cleaned up during optimization.
Fix for external data cannot be found when using use_external_data_format.
Fix for custom Ops cannot be registered due to GLIBC version mismatch
NPU and Compiler#
New op support:
Support Channel-wie Prelu.
Gstiling with reverse = false.
Fixed issues:
Fixed Transpose-convolution and concat optimization issues.
Fixed Conv stride 3 corner case hang issue.
Performance improvement:
Updated Conv 1x1 stride 2x2 optimization.
Enhanced Conv 7x7 performance.
Improved padding performance.
Enhanced convolution MT fusion.
Improved the performance for NCHW layout model.
Enhanced the performance for eltwise-like op.
Enhanced Conv and eltwise AT fusion.
Improved the output convolution/transpose-convolution’s performance.
Enhanced the logging message for EoU.
ONNX Runtime EP#
End-2-End Application support on NPU
Enhanced existing support: Provided high-level APIs to enable seamless incorporation of pre/post-processing operations into the model to run on NPU
Two examples (resnet50 and yolov8) published to demonstrate the usage of these APIs to run end-to-end models on the NPU
Bug fixes for ONNXRT EP to support customers’ models
Contains mitigation for the following CVEs: CVE-2024-21974, CVE-2024-21975, CVE-2024-21976
Version 1.0.1#
Minor fix for Single click installation without given env name.
Perform improvement in the NPU driver.
Bug fix in elementwise subtraction in the compiler.
Runtime stability fixes for minor corner cases.
Quantizer update to resolve performance drop with default settings.
Version 1.0#
ONNX Quantizer
Support for ONNXRuntime 1.16.
Support for the Cross-Layer-Equalization (CLE) algorithm in quantization, which can balance the weights of consecutive Conv nodes to make it more quantize-friendly in per-tensor quantization.
Support for mixed precision quantization including UINT16/INT16/UINT32/INT32/FLOAT16/BFLOAT16, and support asymmetric quantization for BFLOAT16.
Support for the MinMSE method for INT16/UINT16/INT32/UINT32 quantization.
Support for quantization using the INT16 scale.
Support for unsigned ReLU in symmetric activation configuration.
Support for converting Float16 to Float32 during quantization.
Support for converting NCHW model to NHWC model during quantization.
Support for two more modes for MinMSE for better accuracy. The “All” mode computes the scales with all batches while the “MostCommon” mode computes the scale for each batch and uses the most common scales.
Support for the quantization of more operations:
PReLU, Sub, Max, DepthToSpace, SpaceToDepth, Slice, InstanceNormalization, and LpNormalization.
Non-4D ReduceMean.
Leakyrelu with arbitrary alpha.
Split by converting it to Slice.
Support for op fusing of InstanceNormalization and L2Normalization in NPU workflow.
Support for converting Clip to ReLU when the minimal value is 0.
Updated shift_bias, shift_read, and shift_write constraints in the NPU workflow and added an option “IPULimitationCheck” to disable it.
Support for disabling the op fusing of Conv + LeakyReLU/PReLU in the NPU workflow.
Support for logging for quantization configurations and summary information.
Support for removing initializer from input to support models converted from old version pytorch where weights are stored as inputs.
Added a recommended configuration for the IPU_Transformer platform.
New utilities:
Tool for converting the float16 model to the float32 model.
Tool for converting the NCHW model to the NHWC model.
Tool for quantized models with random input.
Three examples for quantization models from Timm, Torchvision, and ONNXRuntime modelzoo respectively.
Fix a bug that weights are quantized with the “NonOverflow” method when using the “MinMSE” method.
Pytorch Quantizer
Support of some operations quantization in quantizer: inplace div, inplace sub
Log and document enhancement to emphasize fast-finetune
Timm models quantization script example
Bug fix for operators: clamp and prelu
QAT Support quantization of operations with multiple outputs
QAT EOU enhancements: significantly reduces the need for network modifications
QAT ONNX exporting enhancements: support more configurations
New QAT examples
TF2 Quantizer
Support for Tensorflow 2.11 and 2.12.
Support for the ‘tf.linalg.matmul’ operator.
Updated shift_bias constraints for NPU workflow.
Support for dumping models containing operations with multiple outputs.
Added an example of a sequential model.
Fix a bug that Hardsigmoid and Hardswish are not mapped to DPU without Batch Normalization.
Fix a bug when both align_pool and align_concat are used simultaneously.
Fix a bug in the sequential model when a layer has multiple consumers.
TF1 Quantizer
Update shift_bias constraints for NPU workflow.
Fix a bug in fast_finetune when the ‘input_node’ and ‘quant_node’ are inconsistent.
Fix a bug that AddV2 op identified as BiasAdd.
Fix a bug when the data type of the concat op is not float.
Fix a bug in split_large_kernel_pool when the stride is not equal to 1.
ONNXRuntime Execution Provider#
Support new OPs, such as PRelu, ReduceSum, LpNormlization, DepthToSpace(DCR).
Increase the percentage of model operators performed on the NPU.
Fixed some issues causing model operators allocation to CPU.
Improved report summary
Support the encryption of the VOE cache
End-2-End Application support on NPU
Enable running pre/post/custom ops on NPU, utilizing ONNX feature of E2E extensions.
Two examples published for yolov8 and resnet50, in which preprocessing custom op is added and runs on NPU.
Performance: latency improves by up to 18% and power savings by up to 35% by additionally running preprocessing on NPU apart from inference.
Multiple NPU overlays support
VOE configuration that supports both CNN-centric and GEMM-centric NPU overlays.
Increases number of ops that run on NPU, especially for models which have both GEMM and CNN ops.
Examples published for use with some of the vision transformer models.
NPU and Compiler#
New operators support
Global average pooling with large spatial dimensions
Single Activation (no fusion with conv2d, e.g. relu/single alpha PRelu)
Operator support enhancement
Enlarge the width dimension support range for depthwise-conv2d
Support more generic broadcast for element-wise like operator
Support output channel not aligned with 4B GStiling
Support Mul and LeakyRelu fusion
Concatenation’s redundant input elimination
Channel Augmentation for conv2d (3x3, stride=2)
Performance optimization
PDI partition refine to reduce the overhead for PDI swap
Enabled cost model for some specific models
Fixed asynchronous error in multiple thread scenario
Fixed known issue on tanh and transpose-conv2d hang issue
Known Issues#
Support for multiple applications is limited to up to eight
Windows Studio Effects should be disabled when using the Latency profile. To disable Windows Studio Effects, open Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Camera, select your primary camera, and then disable all camera effects.
Version 0.9#
Pytorch Quantizer
Dict input/output support for model forward function
Keywords argument support for model forward function
Matmul subroutine quantization support
Support of some operations in quantizer: softmax, div, exp, clamp
Support quantization of some non-standard conv2d.
ONNX Quantizer
Add support for Float16 and BFloat16 quantization.
Add C++ kernels for customized QuantizeLinear and DequantizeLinaer operations.
Support saving quantizer version info to the quantized models’ producer field.
Support conversion of ReduceMean to AvgPool in NPU workflow.
Support conversion of BatchNorm to Conv in NPU workflow.
Support optimization of large kernel GlobalAvgPool and AvgPool operations in NPU workflow.
Supports hardware constraints check and adjustment of Gemm, Add, and Mul operations in NPU workflow.
Supports quantization for LayerNormalization, HardSigmoid, Erf, Div, and Tanh for NPU.
ONNXRuntime Execution Provider#
Support new OPs, such as Conv1d, LayerNorm, Clip, Abs, Unsqueeze, ConvTranspose.
Support pad and depad based on NPU subgraph’s inputs and outputs.
Support for U8S8 models quantized by ONNX quantizer.
Improve report summary tools.
NPU and Compiler#
Supported exp/tanh/channel-shuffle/pixel-unshuffle/space2depth
Performance uplift of xint8 output softmax
Improve the partition messages for CPU/DPU
Improve the validation check for some operators
Accelerate the speed of compiling large models
Fix the elew/pool/dwc/reshape mismatch issue and fix the stride_slice hang issue
Fix str_w != str_h issue in Conv
Smoothquant for OPT1.3b, 2.7b, 6.7b, 13b models.
Huggingface Optimum ORT Quantizer for ONNX and Pytorch dynamic quantizer for Pytorch
Enabled Flash attention v2 for larger prompts as a custom torch.nn.Module
Enabled all CPU ops in bfloat16 or float32 with Pytorch
int32 accumulator in AIE (previously int16)
DynamicQuantLinear op support in ONNX
Support different compute primitives for prefill/prompt and token phases
Zero copy of weights shared between different op primitives
Model saving after quantization and loading at runtime for both Pytorch and ONNX
Enabled profiling prefill/prompt and token time using local copy of OPT Model with additional timer instrumentation
Added demo mode script with greedy, stochastic and contrastive search options
Support Whipser-tiny
All GEMMs offloaded to AIE
Improved compile time
Improved WER
Known issues#
Flow control OPs including “Loop”, “If”, “Reduce” not supported by VOE
Resizing OP in ONNX opset 10 or lower is not supported by VOE
Tensorflow 2.x quantizer supports models within tf.keras.model only
Running quantizer docker in WSL on Ryzen AI laptops may encounter OOM (Out-of-memory) issue
Running multiple concurrent models using temporal sharing on the 5x4 binary is not supported
Only batch sizes of 1 are supported
Only models with the pretrained weights setting = TRUE should be imported
Launching multiple processes on 4 1x4 binaries can cause hangs, especially when models have many sub-graphs
Version 0.8#
Pytorch Quantizer
Pytorch 1.13 and 2.0 support
Mixed precision quantization support, supporting float32/float16/bfloat16/intx mixed quantization
Support of bit-wise accuracy cross check between quantizer and ONNX-runtime
Split and chunk operators were automatically converted to slicing
Add support for BFP data type quantization
Support of some operations in quantizer: where, less, less_equal, greater, greater_equal, not, and, or, eq, maximum, minimum, sqrt, Elu, Reduction_min, argmin
QAT supports training on multiple GPUs
QAT supports operations with multiple inputs or outputs
ONNX Quantizer
Provided Python wheel file for installation
Support OnnxRuntime 1.15
Supports setting input shapes of random data reader
Supports random data reader in the dump model function
Supports saving the S8S8 model in U8S8 format for NPU
Supports simulation of Sigmoid, Swish, Softmax, AvgPool, GlobalAvgPool, ReduceMean and LeakyRelu for NPU
Supports node fusions for NPU
ONNXRuntime Execution Provider#
Supports for U8S8 quantized ONNX models
Improve the function of falling back to CPU EP
Improve AIE plugin framework
Supports LLM Demo
Supports Gemm ASR
Supports E2E AIE acceleration for Pre/Post ops
Improve the easy-of-use for partition and deployment
Supports models containing subgraphs
Supports report summary about OP assignment
Supports report summary about DPU subgraphs falling back to CPU
Improve log printing and troubleshooting tools.
Upstreamed to ONNX Runtime Github repo for any data type support and bug fix
NPU and Compiler#
Extended the support range of some operators
Larger input size: conv2d, dwc
Padding mode: pad
Broadcast: add
Variant dimension (non-NHWC shape): reshape, transpose, add
Support new operators, e.g. reducemax(min/sum/avg), argmax(min)
Enhanced multi-level fusion
Performance enhancement for some operators
Add quantization information validation
Improvement in device partition
User friendly message
Target-dependency check
New Demos link:
LLM demo with OPT-1.3B/2.7B/6.7B
Automatic speech recognition demo with Whisper-tiny
Known issues#
Flow control OPs including “Loop”, “If”, “Reduce” not supported by VOE
Resize OP in ONNX opset 10 or lower not supported by VOE
Tensorflow 2.x quantizer supports models within tf.keras.model only
Running quantizer docker in WSL on Ryzen AI laptops may encounter OOM (Out-of-memory) issue
Run multiple concurrent models by temporal sharing on the Performance optimized overlay (5x4.xclbin) is not supported
Support batch size 1 only for NPU
Version 0.7#
Docker Containers
Provided CPU dockers for Pytorch, Tensorflow 1.x, and Tensorflow 2.x quantizer
Provided GPU Docker files to build GPU dockers
Pytorch Quantizer
Supports multiple output conversion to slicing
Enhanced transpose OP optimization
Inspector support new IP targets for NPU
ONNX Quantizer
Provided Python wheel file for installation
Supports quantizing ONNX models for NPU as a plugin for the ONNX Runtime native quantizer
Supports power-of-two quantization with both QDQ and QOP format
Supports Non-overflow and Min-MSE quantization methods
Supports various quantization configurations in power-of-two quantization in both QDQ and QOP format.
Supports signed and unsigned configurations.
Supports symmetry and asymmetry configurations.
Supports per-tensor and per-channel configurations.
Supports bias quantization using int8 datatype for NPU.
Supports quantization parameters (scale) refinement for NPU.
Supports excluding certain operations from quantization for NPU.
Supports ONNX models larger than 2GB.
Supports using CUDAExecutionProvider for calibration in quantization
Open source and upstreamed to Microsoft Olive Github repo
TensorFlow 2.x Quantizer
Added support for exporting the quantized model ONNX format.
Added support for the keras.layers.Activation(‘leaky_relu’)
TensorFlow 1.x Quantizer
Added support for folding Reshape and ResizeNearestNeighbor operators.
Added support for splitting Avgpool and Maxpool with large kernel sizes into smaller kernel sizes.
Added support for quantizing Sum, StridedSlice, and Maximum operators.
Added support for setting the input shape of the model, which is useful in deploying models with undefined input shapes.
Add support for setting the opset version in exporting ONNX format
ONNX Runtime Execution Provider#
Vitis ONNX Runtime Execution Provider (VOE)
Supports ONNX Opset version 18, ONNX Runtime 1.16.0, and ONNX version 1.13
Supports both C++ and Python APIs(Python version 3)
Supports deploy model with other EPs
Supports falling back to CPU EP
Open source and upstreamed to ONNX Runtime Github repo
Multiple Level op fusion
Supports the same muti-output operator like chunk split
Supports split big pooling to small pooling
Supports 2-channel writeback feature for Hard-Sigmoid and Depthwise-Convolution
Supports 1-channel GStiling
Explicit pad-fix in CPU subgraph for 4-byte alignment
Tuning the performance for multiple models
Two configurations
Power Optimized Overlay
Suitable for smaller AI models (1x4.xclbin)
Supports spatial sharing, up to 4 concurrent AI workloads
Performance Optimized Overlay (5x4.xclbin)
Suitable for larger AI models
Known issues#
Flow control OPs including “Loop”, “If”, “Reduce” are not supported by VOE
Resize OP in ONNX opset 10 or lower not supported by VOE
Tensorflow 2.x quantizer supports models within tf.keras.model only
Running quantizer docker in WSL on Ryzen AI laptops may encounter OOM (Out-of-memory) issue
Run multiple concurrent models by temporal sharing on the Performance optimized overlay (5x4.xclbin) is not supported